Sunday, March 29, 2009

Realization of the Wave!

Big Wave talking to small wave,"Little wave, why are you so sad?"

Small Wave said,"I feel distressed. Other waves are so Big whereas I am so small. Other waves are so powerful whereas I am puny..."

Big Wave said," It is because you have not seen clearly your orignal nature that you have sorrow."

Small Wave said,"Am I not a wave? Then what am I?"

Big Wave said,"The Wave is only temporary form of your nature. In actually you are water."

Small Wave said."Water?"

Big Wave said,"Once you perceive clearly that your nature is water, you will no longer be obsessed with the form of the wave, and thus you will no longer be in sorrow."

Small Wave eventually understood and started to laugh happily.

Explanation: Humans are egocentric. One thinks that the 'self' is 'me', differentiating oneself from others and comparing oneself with others, thus bringing about sorrow. Actually humans are one of the constituents in the immensity of Nature. Think about : )

Written by the Founder of Maths Specialist - Mr K L Chua.
If interested, please CLICK HERE to sign up for his 1 Hr FREE Preview on How to Score 'A' in Maths in the Shortest Possible Time!

Solutions to Overcome Fear in Maths : )

If Your Child is having Fear in Mathematics,
CLICK HERE for solutions

What is Zen Maths?

One day, a small fish asked a big fish,"I often hear others talking about the sea. Big fish, can you kindly tell exactly what is Sea?"

Big Fish answered,"All around you is the sea."

Small fish said,"Then why can't I see it?"

Big Fish answered,"You live, move, and have your being in the sea. The sea is within as well as outside you. The sea gave you life and at death you return to the source."

People live in the Sea of Zen Maths, yet do not know the nature of Zen Maths.

Do you know what is Zen Maths? If you want to know, please read on ... :)

Written by the Founder of Maths Specialist - Mr K L Chua.
If interested, please CLICK HERE to sign up for his 1 Hr FREE Preview on How to Score 'A' in Maths in the Shortest Possible Time!